Subject [Ticket #200] [firebird-support] Update Issue with FB 2.5.1 (severe)
Author Desarrollo
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On Mar 07, 2014 @ 03:28 pm, alan.davies@... wrote:
Hi, I have a major issue with running on W7 64bit, W2003
server, W2008 server, W7 32 bit and so on.
Basically I cannot get an update to work if a value is calculated within
the same update procedure, as follows:

This gives InvoiceVal of 0.00

Update Orditems
Set Complete='Y',Invoice_It='Y',
Inv_Qty2=Ord_Qty2-Del_Qty2, /* there are many more */
INV_TOT=Ord_Tot-Del_Tot, /* see next line */
Where Acno=:Account_Nmbr
And Ordno=:Order_Nmbr;

this "double version" works and gives InvoiceVal of 123.45 (or whatever)

Update Orditems
Set Complete='Y',Invoice_It='Y',
Inv_Qty2=Ord_Qty2-Del_Qty2, /* there are many more */
INV_TOT=Ord_Tot-Del_Tot /* see next update */
Where Acno=:Account_Nmbr
And Ordno=:Order_Nmbr;

Update Orditems
Set InvoiceVal=(Sell_Price*(100-Discount)*INV_TOT)/100
Where Acno=:Account_Nmbr
And Ordno=:Order_Nmbr;

All similar procedures "fail" and they all have been running for several
years on previous versions of FB from 1.5 on.
My question is - why? 2 parts. Why do they fail now, and why did they
work previously? I have 2 machines running side-by-side one works - and one fails -
Have I missed a vital piece of information in the documentation or
should I be reporting this as a severe bug?

Regards Alan
Alan J Davies

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