Subject [Ticket #124] [firebird-support] 2.5 embedded on Win7
Author Desarrollo
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On Mar 07, 2014 @ 03:27 pm, ts@... wrote:
> I am using Firebird 2.5.1 embedded on a Windows 7 machine. Due to its superclassic architecture, it is normally possible to have many simultaneous connections from different applications to the same database.
> There is also an apache 2.2 server running on the same machine, but it can't connect to the database when any other application is already connected... as far as I can remember, this used to work fine on XP, so I suspect something of Win7's security features kicks in here.
> I tried to run the apache server using my own account, but it didn't help.
> Could anyone give some advice or at least explain what exactly is happening here?

If this is a mix of embedded and regular server connections, then be
aware that you can't mix 32-bit and 64-bit embedded and regular server
connections to the same database.

With regards,
Thomas Steinmaurer

* Firebird Foundation Committee Member

* Upscene Productions - Database Tools for Developers

* My Blog

==Ticket History==

On Mar 07, 2014 @ 03:27 pm, emilt@... wrote:
I am using Firebird 2.5.1 embedded on a Windows 7 machine. Due to its superclassic architecture, it is normally possible to have many simultaneous connections from different applications to the same database.
There is also an apache 2.2 server running on the same machine, but it can't connect to the database when any other application is already connected... as far as I can remember, this used to work fine on XP, so I suspect something of Win7's security features kicks in here.
I tried to run the apache server using my own account, but it didn't help.
Could anyone give some advice or at least explain what exactly is happening here?

Thanks in advance

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