Subject RE: [firebird-support] isql connect database using TCP/IP protocol, After run a long time SQL Statement can't go back to SQL command prompt
I monitor the SQL running with IBExpert Database Monitoring, I see all records be updated, but isql not back to SQL>, 
 Connect to the database only me, the OS is debian wheezy 7.3 Amd64, 6GB RAM, Raid5 FB2.5.2_update1_amd64, SupperClassic. and test it at debian Squeeze 6.09 x86, fb2.5.2_u1 classic, the same problem happen.

I have a sql script, run in the server with cron, I see the logs, the script don't finished within 4 hour util the database shutdown for backup. normal the script waste 1 hour. so I test it and find the problem.

gstat -h /db/db.fdb
Database header page information:
        Flags                   0
        Checksum                12345
        Generation              150919
        Page size               8192
        ODS version             11.2
        Oldest transaction      149345
        Oldest active           149346
        Oldest snapshot         149346
        Next transaction        149359
        Bumped transaction      1
        Sequence number         0
        Next attachment ID      1551
        Implementation ID       19
        Shadow count            0
        Page buffers            256
        Next header page        0
        Database dialect        3
        Creation date           Jan 9, 2014 22:59:23
        Attributes              force write, multi-user maintenance

    Variable header data:
        Sweep interval:         0