Subject FB 3.0 Multiuser Environment
Author Hugo Eyng

I am testing FB BETA.
Instalation Classic
Database size 4 gigabytes
Delphi 2007

Windows 2008 Server Enterprise Edition 32 bits
16 gigabytes RAM
800 gigabytes HD Raid 10

When I try to open the database in a second session I get the error message:

Servidor de banco de dados não foi encontrado!  (Database server not found)
I/O error during "CreateFile (open)" operation for file "C:\TEXTIL\DADOS\DM\SGBT\DADOS\DATAMAIS.FDB" (Entire path for my database)
Error while trying to open file
O arquivo já está sendo usado por outro processo.  (File is in use by another process) 

So my application cannot be opened by two or more users. Even using IBExpert, I cannot open the same database more than one time.

Did anybody faced this situation?


Hugo Eyng