Subject Re: [firebird-support] FB 2.5.3 32bit and Db size limits test
Author Daniel Rail
Re: [firebird-support] FB 2.5.3 32bit and Db size limits test


What version of Firebird(Classic, SuperClassic, SuperServer or Embedded)?  

What is the page cache/buffers(run "GSTAT -H" on the database)?

Is it your application that is returning the our of memory error?  Because for a 32-bit application, there is a 2GB memory limit, and if all those 13,000 images are loaded in memory within your application, that is most likely the problem.  And, a 64-bit application doesn't have that limitation.  Also, NTFS is a 64-bit filesystem(even for 32-bit applications), so the 2GB limit doesn't exist, it's above the TeraByte for a single file(but still depends on the size limit of the drive).

Also, we do have customers that have databases that are over 20GB, with approximately 75% of the data being images.  And, that was with Firebird 1.5 32-bit on NTFS, now they are all on Firebird 2.5.3 64-bit.  


Best regards,

 Daniel Rail

 Senior Software Developer

 ACCRA Solutions Inc. (

 ACCRA Med Software Inc. (

At December 11, 2014, 3:58 AM, af_123xy@... [firebird-support] wrote:

on Win764 bit , it's a NTFS


anyway i have to use FB 64 bit to get more then  2gb DB