Subject “Tracking” (debugging) what is hap pening in a Firebird 2.5 database

Hi all
I need some advice in how to handle the following:

Server Firebird 2.5 (I use Delphi XE2).
1.I have 2 structure identical database.
2.I copy 1-2-3 records from one table database to another.
3.I have some triggers and SP on the table that I copy.

trigger After Insert (execute one stored procedure that recompute some other records from the same table).

The database are identical but in one database the after insert work ok and in the other one no.
Also both triggers ARE working. (for testing purpose I raise an exception and is fire the exception).

So i want to find a way to track what is happening and to find the problem.
How to monitor/debug this situation.
also how to track deadlock?
what tools exist for this kind of trouble?

any advice?
tks a lot