Subject Re: [firebird-support] Forced write
Author Helen Borrie
At 08:55 a.m. 18/07/2013, rddymanohar wrote:
>We are on Firebird 1.56 and recently encountered database corruption problem with a customer. Found that forced write was turned off on the database and after the database was restored turned it on. However on checking the next day forced write was again turned off. We do daily sweep, reindex and backup on the database as maintenance at the the eod. Will any of this cause forced write to be turned off.

None of the above will change the Forced Write setting. However, in the very ancient version of Firebird that you are using, a client can do it, via the connection API. The very first thing I would recommend is to examine closely the connection settings on all client applications.

A common source of this problem is Delphi applications that provide properties and/or arrays of properties in the connection component (connection alone, or database component). If this is your case, look at *both* the property in question (ForcedWrites TRUE/FALSE) and *also* the Params property of the connection/database component.

Helen Borrie, Support Consultant, IBPhoenix (Pacific)
Author of "The Firebird Book" and "The Firebird Book Second Edition"