Subject Re: [firebird-support] Save decimal data type
Author Mark Rotteveel
On 28-5-2013 16:26, franchessko wrote:
> Hi, I'm a new firebird user. I joined here to ask for help.
> I develop in DotNet Technologies, and I have this problem:
> First OS info:
> --------------
> ->OS = Windows 7 Enterprise SP1
> ->System type = 64b.
> ->Original languaje = English. (But I've installed the spanish pack languaje)
> ->Regional settings are all set to Spanish-Argentina.
> Firebird Info:
> --------------
> Version =
> .Net Provider = Version 3.0.2 for .NET 4.5
> And the problem is:
> -------------------
> When I send a Query with a decimal data type like '25.80' -without quotes- the data is saved in firebird like this 2580,0000
> (the databse field was created as Decimal 18,4)
> I tried sending the same number, but with the comma '25,80' but firebird says: "Dynamic SQL Error. SQL Error code = -804. Count of read-write columns does not equal count of values"
> what do I have to set up? what to do?
> thanks a lot to all.

This question is probably more suited for the Firebird .NET driver
mailing list. See for
subscription details.

It might important to mention how you set the value in your query.

Mark Rotteveel