Subject Re: SV: [firebird-support] Transfering big table (>30M records) from one to another firebird database
Author zilez2003
Thanks Paul.

I Use 2.5 firebird database. This looks like good option, but I am not familiar with it.
Can you give me some usefull link, where I could learn something about this ?



--- In, Poul Dige <pd@...> wrote:
> > -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> > Fra: [mailto:firebird-
> >] På vegne af zilez2003
> > Sendt: 16. maj 2013 09:35
> > Til:
> > Emne: [firebird-support] Transfering big table (>30M records) from one to
> > another firebird database
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have a table of about 35.000.000 records, which is in one firebird database.
> > This is export of very complicated set of queries which I have done in virtual
> > machine in 32bit windows. Now I have to merge it with "live" database.
> >
> > The table is simple: 6 field, 4 - strings, and 2 numeric.
> >
> > I would appiciate if someone could give me good afvice how to import data
> > from one database to another.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Zoran
> What version of Firebird are you using?
> 2.5 has the ability to connect from one database to another, i.e. your production database can "suck" the data from your export database itself (probably best via a stored procedure).
> Kind regards
> Poul