Subject SV: [firebird-support] Transfering big table (>30M records) from one to another firebird database
Author Poul Dige
> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> Fra: [mailto:firebird-
>] På vegne af zilez2003
> Sendt: 16. maj 2013 09:35
> Til:
> Emne: [firebird-support] Transfering big table (>30M records) from one to
> another firebird database
> Hi,
> I have a table of about 35.000.000 records, which is in one firebird database.
> This is export of very complicated set of queries which I have done in virtual
> machine in 32bit windows. Now I have to merge it with "live" database.
> The table is simple: 6 field, 4 - strings, and 2 numeric.
> I would appiciate if someone could give me good afvice how to import data
> from one database to another.
> Regards,
> Zoran

What version of Firebird are you using?

2.5 has the ability to connect from one database to another, i.e. your production database can "suck" the data from your export database itself (probably best via a stored procedure).

Kind regards