Subject Re: Unable to INSERT INTO TABLE
Author Allstars
No I didn't think I have to since there is no transaction statements.

--- In, Nagy Szilveszter <nagy_szilveszter@...> wrote:
> Did you commit after creating the table?
> ________________________________
> From: Allstars <data@...>
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 8:42 PM
> Subject: [firebird-support] Unable to INSERT INTO TABLE
> Hello there,
> I am fairly new to FIREBIRD SQL. I am using WINSQL as my database management system.
> I am trying to insert into a table I created.
> create table allBillOfMaterials(
> id int not null primary key
> , totalTitles int not null
> , bomNumber varchar(17) not null
> , bomDescription varchar(255)
> )
> It creates the table and says (0) rows affected. Fine. I look at the database explorer and the table is there.
> When i try to insert into the table, it says that the table is unknown. The id(pk) should be created automatically I'm thinking. Someone save me!!
> insert into allBillOfMaterials('', totalTitles, bomNumber, bomDescription)
> select distinct
> count(bom.num) as "Total"
> ,bom.num as "BOM Number"
> ,bom.description as "BOM Description"
> from bom
> inner join bomitem on bomitem.bomid =
> inner join part on = bomitem.partid
> inner join bomitemtype on = bomitem.typeid
> inner join customset on customset.recordid =
> where bomitem.typeid = 20
> and = 'Book'
> group by bom.num, bom.description
> order by bom.description
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]