Subject sql error
Author Olaf Kluge

with this code I get an sql error, but it works until today perfect :o(

with wgetnextprio as (select prio, count(*) as kount from tfachzuordnung
where le is null and gesperrt = 0

and elementtyp = 1 and paltyp = :paltyp_anfrage group by prio)

select first 1 prio from wgetnextprio where kount = (select max(kount)
from wgetnextprio)into :prio_to_find;

select first 1 fachnr from tfachzuordnung a where a.elementtyp = 1 and
a.paltyp = :paltyp_Anfrage

and a.dispo = 0 and prio = :prio_to_find and a.le is null and a.gesperrt
= 0 order by fachnr

into :ziel_einl;

paltyp_anfrage = 2. If I execute the first part, I get: Prio A 1 piece
available, Prio B 1 piece available, Prio C 1 piece available.

But now I get: Token unknown, column 1 line 24 (

What can be wrong?




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