Subject Unexpected End of Command
Author Andrew Gable

Hi all

I have a problem that has ONLY just started to happen

When ever I run the following SQL command from within my software

THIS has been working for the last 3yrs ever since I moved over to Firebird (I have software running the same command
and they are working fine)


        RecData = Replace(RecData, "'", "''")

        JournalRollEntry = Replace(JournalRollEntry, "'", "''")


        SQLCommand = vbNullString

        SQLCommand = SQLCommand & "INSERT INTO JournalRoll "

        SQLCommand = SQLCommand & "VALUES ('"

        SQLCommand = SQLCommand & Format(RecDate, "YYYY/MM/DD") & "','"

        SQLCommand = SQLCommand & Format(RecTime, "HH:MM") & "','"

        SQLCommand = SQLCommand & Format(PoSNumber, "000") & "','"

        SQLCommand = SQLCommand & Format(TransNumber, "000000") & "','"

        SQLCommand = SQLCommand & CashierID & "','"

        SQLCommand = SQLCommand & JournalRollEntry & "','"

        SQLCommand = SQLCommand & RecData & "')"

       NetworkDatabaseConnection.Execute SQLCommand


I get the following error message

Run-time error ‘-2147467259 (80004005)’;


[ODBC firebird Driver][Firebird]Dynamic SQL Error
SQL error code =-104

Unexpected end of command –line ##, column ***

## and *** always change no matter what information I send.

This is an example of what I am trying to store into the database (Debug print out of what i am sending)


INSERT INTO JournalRoll VALUES ('2013/11/02','18:33','101','001541','1',' MANUAL GOODS                   £14.99  A

MANUAL GOODS                    £4.99 A

MANUAL GOODS                    £4.00 A


   SUB TOTAL                      £23.98

            3 ITEMS SOLD


CASH                            £25.00

CHANGE DUE                       £1.02


02/11/2013  18:33  101  001541  1  0001','|N|1C MANUAL GOODS                   œ14.99 A

|N|1C MANUAL GOODS                    œ4.99 A

|N|1C MANUAL GOODS                    œ4.00 A


|N|3C   SUB TOTAL                      œ23.98



|N|3C CASH                           œ25.00

|N|3C CHANGE DUE                     œ1.02



|cA|4CNo Card?

|N|1CIf you had a loyalty card today you

|N|1CYou would have gotten points towards

|N|1Cyour Loyalty Voucher.


|N|1CAsk in Store for more details

|N|1C|bC****************************************** |N|1C')