Subject Error "error while compiling regular expression" while using TraceAPI
Author Jiri Cincura
Hi *,

I'm running Firebird 2.5 x64 on Windows server. I'm starting trace
session for C:\foobar\foobar.fdb and sometimes I'm getting errors in
trace stream:
Error creating trace session for database "C:\PROGRAM
FILES\FIREBIRD\SECURITY2.FDB": error while parsing trace configu
ration line 1: error while compiling regular expression
"C:\foobar\foobar.fdb" |

It behaves like bursts. For a while it's quiet and the suddenly I get
this error all over the place. It's not just about "C:\PROGRAM
FILES\FIREBIRD\SECURITY2.FDB", but other databases on this server. Any
ideas what might be wrong?

Jiri {x2} Cincura ( founder) |