Subject Re: Firebird 2.5 embedded with the single-connection functionality?
Author patrick_marten

I have to bump that post...

Any advices on how to deal with that issue?

Any way to get the embedded server to work like in 2.3.1 or to figure out, if one instance of the application is already connected to the database and if so, prevent another instance to connect to it?

--- In, "patrick_marten" wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm doing some research about Firebird 2.5.1 as a preparation for a switch from Firebird 2.1.3
> One of the problems I've just discovered is related to the embedded server:
> "Windows Embedded now contains a SuperClassic instead of a SuperServer engine. File locks are shared, so a database can be accessed by one or more Embedded servers and a regular Classic or SuperClassic server at the same time."
> That's quite a breaking change...
> I found the previous solution of how the emedded server was working very nice. The single-user version of our application is based on that functionality... Now with FB 2.5 it would work totaly differently, which is pretty bad...
> Is there a way to get FB 2.5 embedded to work like FB 2.1.3 is working, so that only one application can connect to a database at the same time?
> I hope there is one...
> Kind regards,
> Patrick