Subject Unsuccessful metadata update,request depth exceeded
Author Josef Kokeš

This is a first for me. When creating a new table on one Firebird 2.5
installation, I am getting the following error:

ISC ERROR CODE:335544351

unsuccessful metadata update
request depth exceeded. (Recursive definition?)

Statement: CREATE TABLE v9karty_log (
v9_klic TID NOT NULL,
v9_vytvoril TID,
v9_vytvoril_kdy TDATETIME,
v9_zmenil TID,
v9_zmenil_kdy TDATETIME,
v9_stav TSTAV,
v9_zrusil TBOOLEAN,
v9_typ TCHAR,
v9_datum TDATETIME,
v9_id_karty TID,
v9_id_expedice TID,
v9_osoba TID,
v9_stanice TID,
v9_pobocka TTEXT5,
v9_zmena_bodu TCENA,
v9_zmena_slevy TCENA,
v9_poskytnuta_sleva TCENA,
v9_body_bef TCENA,
v9_sleva_bef TCENA,
v9_body_aft TCENA,
v9_sleva_aft TCENA,
CONSTRAINT pk_v9kartylog PRIMARY KEY (v9_klic)

Search through Google revealed that this error might happen if

a) Too many metadata updates occured without a backup/restore cycle.
This is unlikely in this case, but I will perform a backup/restore just
to be certain.

b) There really is a recursive element in my query. But if this is the
case, I just don't see it - there is certainly nothing in the CREATE
TABLE itself, and as the database doesn't use foreign keys at all, I
would also rule out recursive cascades.

c) CORE-3763. But I don't use computed_by indexes.

What else could possibly be the problem?

