Subject Re: [firebird-support] FB2.5 win7 server not accessible
Author Mark Rotteveel
On 7-7-2012 1:01, ianmck61 wrote:
> I have client who has been using old FB on server with no problems.
> My application in this email is called 'ASE'
> Are there any known issues on Win 7 server?

Windows 7 isn't a server OS, it is a desktop OS (Windows Server 2008 is
the equivalent server OS).

> I got this email from him:
> Had to reinstall windows on our main scoring computer.
> Previously it was running XP SP2, now Windows 7 Pro.
> Noticed a few issues.
> Firstly, the shared database used to be held on that new computer. However, other ASE on the Win 7 computers can't access it, though they can see each other & edit each other's files.
> I installed firebird 2.5 on 2 other computers running ASE. We have 2 running ASE9, 2 running ASE8. I edited their alias.conf to point to a local file. All can access server DB on their own hard disk. NONE can access server DB on a different Win 7 computer. Get "drek:asescorer is not a valid masterfile. Unable to complete network request to host "drek". Failed to establish a connection."
> We have a solution. One of our old computers is running XP. I simply have the server DBase there. All the Win 7 computers can access it okay. Any thoughts?

Most likely Firebird isn't included in the Firewall rules, or the server
thinks the network is 'public' and therefor access to Firebird is

So check the Windows Firewall settings, Advanced, Firewall rules for
incoming connections if 1) Firebird is included, and 2) allowed to
accept incoming connections for its network mode and 3) check the
network mode of the computer (ie does it think it is connected to a
public or a private network).

Mark Rotteveel