Subject Re: Restore problem
Author Aage Johansen
Friday, April 13, 2012, 1:44:34 AM, Dmitry Kuzmenko wrote:

AJ> Fb/2.5 restoring Fb/1.5 database with (one single command line):
AJ> ==================================
AJ> gbak -se service_mgr
AJ> -fix_fss_metadata ISO8859_1
AJ> -fix_fss_data ISO8859_1
AJ> -rep -v -z
AJ> -user SYSDBA -password masterkey
AJ> E:\...\...\sl1b3_20120412.fbk15 SL1
AJ> ==================================
AJ> Previous restores have never failed.

DK> mmm, you did this command SEVERAL TIMES???

Yes, I've do this quite often. I transfer the backup file for a
specific database at irregular intervals to do testing and
development. So, the file is a new one every time. "Previous
restores" means backups from e.g. last month.
Why wouldn't I use the same restore command each time I fetch a new backup?
Any advice on improvements of the command is most welcome.

Latest news should anyone be following this thread:
1. There were no interesting messages in the firebird.log
2. Today's backup was restored without any problems
I'll blame the problem on some corruption during the transfer.

Aage J.