Subject Re: [firebird-support] OIT / NT
Author (no author)
couldn't this problem be because of a failure in some hardware component ? or the FIBClient is not properly installed ?


From: Dmitry Kuzmenko
Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2012 4:09 PM
Subject: Re: [firebird-support] OIT / NT

Hello, Tiberiu!

TH> Nothing special. The same app, with the same database,
TH> the same amount of activity, works correctly for the same company ,
TH> from a different location. No bulk data, nu threads ...

Well, can you be more specific? For example,
your application just wait for user input, and then commits data,
or it is monitoring something by itself, or ...?

Since you are using IBX, I hope all transactions are explicit,
and there are no code that uses implicit transaction start and commit.

TH> I am wondering if maybe some troyan sends spam packets
TH> to the server, from this system, on port 3050.

It can't be. Consider that only your application generates
Use FBScanner, FBTraceManager, or audit in FB 2.5 - any of these - to
understand what your application is doing.

Dmitry Kuzmenko,

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