Subject OIT / NT
Author Tiberiu Horvath
Hi all,

I have a customer who uses my accounting system, who has a server (FB 2.5.1) and 4 clients, distibuted and connected via Internet to this server. People there complains about poor performance. I use Firebird Transaction Statistic Logger to see the problem. One and only one of the clients (figured out which) somehow foods my server. While this client is using my software, somehow the gap between OIT and NT increases 200 transactions each 5 seconds. I backup their data each night, and after this I start a gfix.exe -sweep that makes things ok.

the server log (Linux) says a few " INET/inet_error: read errno = 104" problems, but just a few each day.

Have anybody encountered something like this ? Is this a hardware or a software problem ?

Thank you,


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