Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Firebird and sharding ? - Email found in subject
Author Benno
----- Original Message -----
From: nathanelrick
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 8:04 PM
Subject: [firebird-support] Re: Firebird and sharding ? - Email found in

>> But realize that there are very real problem with those types of
>> >analysis solutions when dealing with OLTP databases -- otherwise there
>> >would be solutions
>>available (that don't have license fees that are >more than the total
>>sending cost of sending a child to a US Ivy League >school for 4 years).

>yes i understand, but now with my 50 millions rows table i start to meet
>the limit of firebird where a simple prepare can take around 1 s to 1 min
>dependantly the
>charge of the server (see my previous post). next year it's will be around
>100 millions rows and i will have no solutions ... this why i start to
>thing about sharding in
>an easy way, in a way out in fact

I am not sure what your purpose of your DB is, but if I recall correctly you
did something with session data in this big table. Perhaps for that purpose
the use of another database like one of the noSQL database is better.

I read some article shortly ago about a big site with a lot of trafic. They
migrated their session data to a noSQL DB (I believe MongoDB) because of the
nature of the data. They gained a lot of performance doing that.

The concept of these noSQL databases is not clear to me yet (I am not a DB
specialist) but I do read a lot about sites migrating parts to these kind of
database from a former relational database like Firebird. One of the
examples mentioned often is historical data that is moved to these noSQL

Perhaps you should take a look at that too.
