Subject negativ values performance info
Author Björn Reimer

executing a query with a little bit longer execution time I get negative numbers for some values. Execution is done via IBExpert. Firebird ist 2.5.1 CS on Linux 64 bit
Client Lib is 2.5.1 Windows 32 bit.

Prepare time = 63ms
Execute time = 43h 53m 31s 63ms
Avg fetch time = 158.011.063,00 ms
Current memory = -507.368.239
Max memory = -466.997.327
Memory buffers = 20.480
Reads from disk to cache = 13.786.623
Writes from cache to disk = 290.317
Fetches from cache = -1.256.613.653

Is it a bug in IBExpert or does the overflow occur in Firebird itself?

Björn Reimer - RRZE