Subject Wrong foreign key error
Author tfunkyjoint
I've been using Firebird with Delphi+Datasnap for quite a long time and since the beginning i have this error plaguing me without no solution.

I have a table called CUSTOMER, and another called HISTORY.
HISTORY is linked to CUSTOMER by a foreign key, which means that you can only insert in HISTORY if there is a record in CUSTOMER in the foreign key fields, of course.

Eventually my users get this error message when trying to insert a record in HISTORY table

lock conflict on no wait transaction
violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint "INTEG_33" on table "HISTORY"
Foreign key reference target does not exist

I don't understand why this error occurs, because i'm sure THERE IS a record in CUSTOMER with the foreign key record. This error would be correct if there was no record in CUSTOMER, but i'm sure there is.

Any ideas will be very appreciated.

Thanks !