Subject BLR vs. ODS
Author unordained
On my dev server, I thought I'd try out 2.5.1rc1, without doing a full backup/
restore from my current database, which has been running in 2.1.4 for a while. I
ran across some issues with Flamerobin / IBPP Logic exception (I've reported it)
and decided for the time being to rollback to 2.1.4. But in the mean time, I had
made changes to triggers and stored procedures. In 2.1.4, I now get errors about
unknown BLR code 190 -- of course it doesn't tell me exactly which SP or trigger
is at fault, so I'm having to poke around a bit. (There's a request in the
tracker for a "recompile" feature -- I could use it to make "recompile all" --
but that's not planned before FB3.)

Anyway, my question is this: when a newer version of firebird is touching an
older version's files (by ODS version), is it expected to go ahead and use new
BLR codes that will be incompatible when reverting? (Yes, I know, I didn't follow
best practices, ...)

And what *is* 190, anyway?
