Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: corrupt database killing fbServer.exe when runing gfix
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
>> The log tells you that an index in various tables (ITENSVENDAS,
>> SAIDANOTAS) are corrupt.
> yup!
>> If you query the system table RDB$INDICES with a WHERE clause on
>> RDB$RELATION_NAME, you can get a list of indices. The result set also
>> includes a RDB$INDEX_ID field, although I can't recall if e.g. "Index 3
>> ..." on a particular table is the index with a value of 3 in this field
>> or 4 (starting at index 0 or 1).
>> Try to drop the indices in question and re-run a validation. As Firebird
> RDB$INDEX_ID always start from 1. Not sure thought that gfix returning is also starting from 1. So I'm trying deleting all now...
> Found that I can't drop two of the 8 Indexes. But deleting them now I can gfix the file and run gbak after. Thanks.
>> 2.1.4 has some index corruption issues fixed, I would also run a
>> backup/restore cycle with 2.1.4.
>> Hope this helps.
>> --
>> With regards,
>> Thomas Steinmaurer
> Helped! ^.^
> I was just with many things in my head that I did not tried to delete the indexes.
> Anyway, what I was really concerned is that run gfix in the database file causes fbserver.exe to crash every time...
> This is potentially hazardous if there any others connections in opened.

True for SuperServer and SuperClassic in 2.5. Although, to validate a
database, you need exclusive access, thus no other connections to the
database are possible. So, if there is only this database under control
of the server, then it isn't that bad. ;-)

With regards,

Thomas Steinmaurer
Upscene Productions

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