Subject Re: [firebird-support] Which distribution Linux is best for use with Firebird?
Author W O
Hello Dunbar

Your answer was excellent, I have the ideas much more clears now.



On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 2:37 AM, Dunbar, Norman (Capgemini) <
norman.dunbar.capgemini@...> wrote:

> **
> Morning,
> >> For security reasons we want to save the databases in a
> >> partition with the
> >> Linux OS on them.
> >>
> >> ...
> >>
> >> Which distribution of Linux would be the best for that case?
> If this is for a production system, rather than a "home" database, then
> I would advise a specific server based Linux install rather than, say,
> something like Ubuntu which is more a desktop install (although I think
> there is a server based Ubuntu as well).
> Obviously, whether or not you wish to pay for support has to be
> considered.
> Red Hat Enterprise Linux is available and you pay for support - which
> means, for patches etc as well as normal support like "how do I?"
> Centos is a version of RHEL, but without the costs. I may be wrong here,
> but I think there has been some "ructions" in the Centos camp recently
> and there may be a fork, or similar. You get patches etc for free.
> Scientific Linux is another RHEL clone, supported by, amongst others,
> CERN. That's good enough for me, and I run it as my server OS of choice.
> Again, patches etc are free.
> When you consider these patches, bear in mind that if you pay for
> support you get them as and when they are ready. If you don't pay, you
> get them as and when Red Hat release them publicly and your distro
> maintainers do whatever they have to do to modify them for their own
> release. You pay your money and take your choice etc.
> Other's to consider are:
> Suse Linux Enterprise Server - I have to use this at work. I really
> don't like it much. It's generally based on OpenSuse but is usually a
> release or two behind. It has ways of working that I simply don't like.
> I can't put my finger on it, but there's just something! (Probably me!)
> You get 60 days free support from Novell when you download this one,
> after that, nothing - unless you pay your subscription.
> Oracle Enterprise Linux - yet another RHEL clone. You pay for this one
> too - if you want support. Otherwise, you install it and that's that -
> although there are "public" repositories for updates to various programs
> - these don't get you security or performance patches etc. I've used
> this, I prefer Scientific Linux instead.
> And so on. Have a look at or
> erver-Distributions.htm (which is a wee bit dated - August 2010) and
> does mention Ubuntu as a server distro.
> Ok, I checked! There's Ubuntu Server details here:
> Any of the "desktop" editions of Linux will run Firebird happily, but
> they also install screen savers and so on that you really don't need or
> want on a server. In addition, you will need to consider a patching
> strategy for any distro if you are running a production system. Don't
> just patch because a patch is available - test it on your test system
> first before applying to production.
> Have fun.
> Cheers,
> Norm.
> Norman Dunbar
> Contract Senior Oracle DBA
> Capgemini Database Team (EA)
> Internal : 7 28 2051
> External : 0113 231 2051
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