Subject Generator not incrementing
Author Ed Dressel
FB 1.56; IB 4.9.9 (though it has been around for a long time); Delphi 2007

I posted this in IBObjects, but it **seems** like a problem with FB 1.56 embedded, so I post it here as well.

I thought I should be able to end-task right after getting a generator ID and the generator should have already been incremented. But not with the embedded version. The generator will not be incremented in a catastrophic failure with FB 1.56 embedded.

FTR, I ran it through the transaction commit and the value was still not incremented if I end-task Delphi.

The generator is incremented as long as I don't end-task from within Delphi (mimicking a critical failure). Calling "Halt" did not cause the problem.

**I moved away from FB Embedded and went to the server version and the problem went away.**

I created a small D2007 demo.

To reproduce the problem, run the demo app (it has it's own database) in embedded mode (the 1.5.6 DLL is included). Click on the "Increment Generator" button. Then click on "End Task" which calls the exception. Re-run the demo and (at least for me) the generator is not incremented.

I would appreciate any comments. I have thousands of users and occasionally one of them has a critical failure. This creates a support nightmare for me.

Ed Dressel