Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: FB database in RAM - Email found in subject
Author Kjell Rilbe
Den 2011-08-09 09:12 skrev Thomas Steinmaurer såhär:
> Firebird uses RAM for different purposes
> - Caching pages
> - Temporary data
> - Lock table
> While configuring the page cache is well-known, Firebird provides
> configuration parameters for caching temporary data used in sort/merge
> operations as well. To be found in firebird.conf. But, these settings
> are in Classic/SuperClassic per connection, so often hard to deal with,
> especially for not getting near to a swap to disk scenario.
> So, basically I like to have a RAM disk for temporary data, which usage
> can be configured per Firebird instance in firebird.conf.

Do you mean that it's really a waste of RAM to put the entire DB there
for fast searches, and that it's probably better to configure a large
page cashe and put the temp data on a RAM disk?

I guess that would work well, assuming that

1. it is not a problem that the searches are slow until all relevant
pages have been cached,

2. writes do not have to be fast,

3. the page cache can be made large enough for all the relevant pages to

For us, point 1 is not OK. We have to be fast even after a fresh reboot.
Point 2 and 3 would be OK I think, especially since our classic mode
server is really only accessed by one or a few connections (currently a
single one).

Kjell Rilbe
E-post: kjell@...
Telefon: 08-761 06 55
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