Subject firebird installation on Mac OS X server at mini Mac
Author Christoph Bals
Dear Sirs,

i tried to installate fire bird 2.1 on my MAC OS X Server 10.6.8 with kernel version Darwin 10.8.0.
the installation runs well, but the databank server doesn't start. So i tried to install fire bird 2.5 with the same result. But of cause, i can't use the 2.5 version. My application necessarily need to use the 2.0 or the 2.1 version. I checked the system with
ps -ax | grep fb command on the terminal but the service doesn't run. The readme's told me, that the installation routine will build up an additional user named some thing like 'firebird', but i can't find any new user at all. Many thanks for your aid, support and help.

Mit freundlichem Gruß

Christoph Bals

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