Subject Installing FB and how to Backup
Author lfeliz

I am preparing docs for end user to deploy a Firebird 2.5 based app. The app runs on Windows XP/Vista/7, but the server will be on either Windows Server 2003/2008 or Linux. I am not deploying standalone, though a user could do so.

I dont want to use SYSDBA in the app for anything (unlike my previous apps)

Lets say 2 users: APPDBA and APPUSER APPDBA userid is used to install meta data changes and also to backup and restore the database. APPUSER is used for db access read/write during client app runtime.

With regards to linux permissions as I have a detailed backupscript that I have used, it runs in Crontab as root user. Since the user and password need to be in script, should I also create a linux user name APPDBA to run the script? Will APPDBA need access to the database folders? Should APPDBA be a member of the Firebird group.

What about on Windows server -- I need a recommendation on ow to automate backing up Firebird 2.5 DB that runs on Server 2003/2008.

On linux there is a user Firebird that is used to execute Firebird SQL. I also make Firebird the owner of my database "table space" i.e. folder /data/fbdata and /data/fbsave. What to do on Windows is it even a problem?

In this instance the database users and the OS user are not the same thing. My first linux script(s) make hourly backups of certain databases. Another runs daily and retains the daily for 30 days, and last day of months backup for 12 months.

On Windows, I have no backup script similar to linux script quite flexible but on Windows, I only have a basic backup script. Iam thinking about writing a simple delphi app that can achieve what linux does

I am going to start by booting up 2 clean VM's one Linux one Windows and install Firbird 2.5 and try the linux ideas first and come back ere with results of effort.

Anyway, I will be sure to be back here.