Subject Re: Backing up database from fb 2.5 and restore to 2.1 fails
Author jegazarco
> That useful process for downgrading a database is apparently not being supported
> any more. It seems that the fact it worked up until now was just a fluke, but
> having lost the ability IS something of a pain. I ended up pumping data from the
> 2.5 machine to a 2.1 machine to downgrade recently. I'm back with a stable
> system on 2.1, but have not established why 2.5 causes intermittent lock-ups.
> --
> Lester Caine - G8HFL

Three of our customer are near to start working with a 24x7 system. We are doing all the config using fb 2.5, hoping 2.5.1 comes out soon before startup. I'm thinking to use 2.1.4 and i must select one of both in two weeks.

I'm interested in your experience with 2.5. Have you tried last snapshots or you have used 2.5.0?
Have you tried SS, CS or SC?
I have seen posts requesting experience of using fb2.5 and issues. but no response. Can someone talk about experience with 2.5 in production system, or is everybody waiting?

Jesus Garcia