Subject Backing up database from fb 2.5 and restore to 2.1 fails
Author jegazarco
Hello, i'm trying backup a fb 2.5 database and restore it in fb 2.1.4.

I have used fb2.1 gbak to backup the fb2.5 database, connecting gbak to fb2.5 service. The backup is ok.

Then i try to restore the backup in 2.1 and i get one error of primary key when restoring rdb$roles in rdb$index_39.

The message is
gbak:restoring SQL role: RDB$ADMIN
gbak: ERROR:attempt to store duplicate value visible to active transactions> in unique index "RDB$INDEX_39"

If i try to restore that backup, made with fb2.1-gbak in fb2.5 with fb2.5-gbak i get the same error.

If i backup and restore from fb2.5-gbak, i get no problem.

May be some issue trying to move one database from 2.5 to 2.1 using gbak? Has someone tested this process?

Regads, Jesus