Subject Re: default for timestamp col causes error?
Author Kjell Rilbe
Den 2011-04-27 15:21 skrev Kjell Rilbe såhär:
> FB 2.1 using isql, connect with utf8 to a database with default charset
> utf8. Then try this (commits excluded for brevity):
> create table "Temp1" ("Dummy" int);
> insert into "Temp1" ("Dummy") values (1);
> select * from "Temp1";
> alter table "Temp1" add "New" timestamp default '0001-01-01' not null;
> select * from "Temp1";
> SQL> select * from "Temp3";
> update "Temp3" set "New" = '0001-01-01';

Sorry about the mixed "Temp1" and "Temp3". Should all have been just
"Temp" of course...

Kjell Rilbe
E-post: kjell@...
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