Subject Re: [firebird-support] firebird password
Author Alexandre Benson Smith
Em 15/4/2011 10:28, Ismael L. Donis GarcĂ­a escreveu:
> As I see it nobody has given you a satisfactory answer.
> 1. Create the BD with a different user sysdba
> 2. Create role sysdba
> 3. Don't give permission to the role sysdba
> Best Regards
> =========
> || ISMAEL ||
> =========

If one has physycal access to the db file,

He could have an alien version of FB that bypass this check.

He could use an hex editor and replace the ROLE name from SYSBDA to
SYSDBB and use the standard server to access the file.

Without physycal security there is no security at all, no matter wich
database server is used. The biggest difference is that on closed source
database the obscurity will make it harder to do, but not impossible at all.

see you !