Subject Re: gbak crashes FB
Author karolbieniaszewski
--- In, "anchovies" <anchovies00@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> We have a db about 100GB in size with 5 tables about 50million rows each running FB 2.1.3.
> While trying to do gbak backup it exits with the error below:
> gbak: ERROR:connection lost to database
> gbak: ERROR: gds_$receive failed
> gbak:Exiting before completion due to errors
> gbak: ERROR:Error writing data to the connection.
> The steps we tried and observations as per below:
> 1) gbak using localhost:[path to db] - same error as above
> 2) Then tried gbak using local connection [path to db] without localhost - same error as above
> 3) All RAM are used up when running gbak - 8Gb
> 4) Always exits with error on the largest table. Did not have the chance to backup other tables yet during gbak.
> 5) When error happens, FB service will shutdown itself.
> DB header as below:
> Database header page information:
> Flags 0
> Checksum 12345
> Generation 54653778
> Page size 16384
> ODS version 11.1
> Oldest transaction 40079365
> Oldest active 54646607
> Oldest snapshot 54646607
> Next transaction 54652533
> Bumped transaction 1
> Sequence number 0
> Next attachment ID 3776954
> Implementation ID 26
> Shadow count 0
> Page buffers 0
> Next header page 0
> Database dialect 3
> Attributes force write
> Variable header data:
> Sweep interval: 0
> We have turned off auto-sweep as our application is also having similar errors as "Error writing data to the connection".
> Turning off auto-sweep did solved abit this "Error writing data..." issue, but does crop up now and then.
> Since now there seems no way for us to do backup, any suggestions what we shd do?
> Application can't be taken offline =(
> Much Thanks,
> John

you have big difference
Oldest transaction 40079365
> Oldest active 54646607

try backup gbak with -G switch
success or not?

if not then try nbackup and copy database file to another computer - and try most recent version of firebird snapshoot
may be on another version of FB all go ok

Karol Bieniaszewski