Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: 1500 values in IN (...) clause fails
Author Wei Yu
HI, Kjell

We have facing the same situation like yours, We don't have a good
soluation other than putting them in a IN clause. By putting those into a
temp table, will hits the performance. If you have a good approach, please
let me know.



On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 3:27 AM, Kjell Rilbe <kjell.rilbe@...> wrote:

> Den 2011-04-01 07:40 skrev karolbieniaszewski såhär:
> > Having 1500 values in "in" is not good choice
> > but try change this to
> >
> > in (
> > ...
> > )
> >
> > but better will be to fill some temporary table with this data
> Yes, I'm aware that this isn't optimal. It's the way ECO fetches data
> for a list of object identities (i.e. primary keys). With ECO, if you
> navigate from a list of objects to related objects, e.g. from a list of
> "Car" objects to their "Tires", ECO will, if you so require, load data
> for all the cars' Tyre objects. It will do this by issuing a select,
> listing the PK:s for the Tyre objects in an IN clause.
> It is possible that it would be better with a temp table, but 1) it's
> not the way it currently works, and 2) would it really perform better?
> Inserting 50000 PK:s in a temp table just to join it with a normal
> table, and then deleting the temp table seems like more work than to
> issue 50000/1500 = 34 selects with 1500 keys each in an in (...) clause.
> But maybe I'm wrong...
> Anyway, the issue is not if this is the optimal way to do things, the
> issue is that FB has a bug, albeit rather unimportant. It says to
> support 1500 values but supports no more than 1499.
> Kjell
> --
> --------------------------------------
> Kjell Rilbe
> DataDIA AB
> E-post: kjell@...
> Telefon: 08-761 06 55
> Mobil: 0733-44 24 64
> ------------------------------------
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