Subject Re: [firebird-support] gbak command option -svc
Author Huan Ruan
> > I'm running 2.1.3 classic.
> Unfortunately, i only have 2.5 on both my OpenSuse and my Windows setup.
> Your attachment to the list was stripped off, can you type what the ps
> command showed for your gbak command while it was running please.
> Mine, under 2.5, shows the following (all on one line):
> /opt/firebird/bin/gbak -service localhost:service_mgr employee
> /home/firebird/employee.fbk -user sysdba -password *********
> And this was exactly the command I typed in - simply because -svc is
> rejected.

Thanks for looking into this Norman. I'm afraid I can't get the full screen
now as I'm not in the office. But the stripped bit is pretty much just
'/db/test.gdb /db/test.fbk -user tst -password'.

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