Subject Re: [firebird-support] Read-Only View
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
> Thanks for your input so far. But my point is that, according to the
> Firebird Book (my bible) states on page 493, that a view will be
> read-only if its SELECT statement has any of the following
> characteristics:
> * Specifies a row quantifier other than ALL ....
> * Contains fields defined by subqueries or other expressions
> * Contains Fields defined by aggregating functions....
> * Includes UNION ....
> * Joins multiple tables
> * Does not include all NOT NULL columns from....
> * Selects from a non-updateable view.
> My query has none of the above characteristics so I would expect it to
> be naturally updateable. I therefore assume this is a bug (which I have
> already entered into the tracker)

Support for the ORDER BY clause in a view DDL definition was an addition
in Firebird 2.1, so basically something new after the time of writing of
the book.

With regards,

Thomas Steinmaurer
Upscene Productions

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