Subject Re: [firebird-support] UDF - entry point could not be found F_ADDMONTH
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
> I've tried moving freeUDFlib.dll into various folders just to make sure it was in a visible path.
> I'm having trouble using a UDF in this Stored Procedure. I can see F_AddMonth in the UDF list, and the procedure compiles, but when I try to commit, I get this message:
> Invalid token.
> invalid request BLR at offset 188.
> function F_ADDMONTH is not defined.
> module name or entrypoint could not be found.
> I don't know if I should include some kind of declaration, or if I have a problem with the DLL. I'm using Firebird 2.1. I had this problem once with FB 2.0 and solved it by changing the character set to "none". That hasn't helped since switching to 2.1.
> My CODE:
> create procedure P_UTIL_RENEW_AUTO_RENEWAL
> as
> declare variable ipolperiod integer;
> declare variable bRenew varchar(1);
> declare variable dtrenewdate date;
> declare variable dttoday date;
> select AUTO_UPDATE_RENEWALS from POLICYDAT into :bRenew;
> select renewal from deta into :dtrenewdate;
> select current_date from RDB$DATABASE into dtToday;
> UPDATE deta
> SET deta.renewal = (F_AddMonth(:dtrenewdate, :ipolperiod ))
> where deta.renewal< :dtToday;

- Do other UDF libs work?
- How does the declaration script for the UDF look like?

I remember, that FreeUDFLib is somehow dependend on having gds32.dll
installed as well.

With regards,

Thomas Steinmaurer
Upscene Productions

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