Subject FB2.5 stability with older applications
Author Lester Caine
It may just be that I have been lucky until now, but niggle that I reported last
week has bitten a couple of times during the week. I would be nice if customers
actually ring when a problem happens ;) - but it was Friday before they told me
it was happening.

To recap - since I can't remember what I had documented.
A core of my system is a small database with simple tables that hold the status
of each piece of equipment and their programs and is used to restart elements if
a failure is detected. The table WAS still Dialect 1 as it originated well back
and has not needed to change. Last weekend I found that while a single remote
site ran happily, starting a second caused a lock-up with the 'master'
application, which polls the network and responds to remote messages. Switching
the database to Dialect 3 seemed to solve the problem, but it would seem even
that is not stable and caused occasional lock-ups during last week.

Much of the code originates back in Interbase days, and until now new versions
of Firebird have simply run without problem. I've sort of come to expect new
versions simply to host access from older clients without a problem, but that
seems not to be the case with 2.5. ADD to that the problem of back-pedalling
from a 2.5 backup to a 2.1 server and things get exacerbated :( I've currently
managed to move the last weeks data back to the backup server ( Flamerobin's
'dump as insert' works nicely :) ) and have the system back on a 2.1.2 server
for the time being.

So do I have to recompile everything and switch to a newer client on the
workstations? What is the easiest way of establishing what IS going wrong
bearing in mind it's only happening on a live site :( 2.5 is running elsewhere
but only where there is a single office environment being managed.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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