Subject Re: [firebird-support] GSEC cannot attach to services manager
Author Helen Borrie
At 02:36 AM 7/02/2011, you wrote:
>Hi guys,
>server version: Firebird 2.0.6
>PC: Vista Home Premium
>This used to work fine and I have had FB installed and running on this PC for about 2 years but I can't use GSEC anymore.
>I try to connect with gsec and I get "cannot attach to services manager" I have tried a million command line combinations:
>> cd [to FB bin dir]
>> gsec -user sysdba -pass xxxxxxxx
>> gsec -user sysdba -password xxxxxxxx
>etc etc etc!
>I know gsec used to work on here because when I installed FB i changed the sysdba password np.

Did you study the Security section of the v.2 release notes? There are two changes there that pertain to this problem:

1. The security database has changed its name *and* its format. You can't just rename your old security.fdb to security2.fdb.

-- You can start with a fresh one
-- you can use a script (provided), running under Fb 1.5 on a copy of the old security.fdb, to convert the old format to the new (see the Appendix) and then rename and replace the empty one. In your Firebird 2.0.6 installation, look here for the script and some guff about it:


2. From Fb 2.0 onward, you can connect to the security database *only* via the Services Manager. This means you can't connect to the security database using the Windows "local" protocol any more (top-level cause of your Fail, above). You need to use a remote protocol, e.g.

gsec -database localhost:c:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_0\security2.fdb
-user sysdba -password xxxxxxxx
