Subject slow nbackup ?
Author Anderson Farias

I did a level 0 (full) backup of a 8GB with nbackup. It created a 8Gb file and took about 8 minutes. Good!

Right after that, for testing porpouses, I did a level 1 backup on the same database, an nbackup created a 100 Kb file and took about 5 minutes!!

My question is:

1) why the level 1 backup takes so much time (almost as much as level 0)? (I thought it was meant to work very fast)

2) why does level 1 creates this 100 Kb backup file if nothing has changed in the database between level 0 and level 1 backup?

(BTW, it's samething if a create a level 2 backup right after the level 1 backup -- again, nothing changed in the database between backps -- stil, it created a 40 Kb backup file and took another 5 mintutes to do so)
