Subject backup very slow and how often sweep a database ?
Author Vander Clock Stephane

Everyday i sweep the database and i backup it

gfix.exe -sweep

and just after a backup like this :

gbak.exe -B -t -v -z

the probleme is that the sweep can take up to 5 hours to finish and the
backup up to 12 hours to finish :(
i know that in the backup i don't put the -g params (inhibit garbage
collection) but someone say me that
the -g do something else that the gfix.exe -sweep doesn't do ...

now i need to know, how often i need to launch the gfix.exe -sweep and
the gbak.exe -B without the -g params ? everydays seam not anymore
possible because of the time taken
by these process...

one time a month ?

thanks by advance for you help