Subject Using dates in select statement
Author majstor

I keep some pricelists into tables which is contain date from wich is valid to date to which is valid.
I need to write select statement which will contain all data from articles table and price from pricelist table where will be choosen prices between valid dates.
For example, I have 2 pricelist one which is valid between 01.01.2011 and 15.01.2011 and another pricelist which is valid between 16.01.2011 and 31.01.2011. When I call aritcles and prices with actual date I need pricelist with articles from valid pricelist.

id, name, descript, qty, comment
id, name, velid_begin, valid_end
pricelist items
id, pricelist_id, articles_id, price

Thanks in advanced...