Subject Bare minumum for FB operation
Author squidsrus85
Hi All,

I am making the transition from BDE to Firebird and it is a whole new game.

I have found tutorials and examples but they all seem to differ on minimum requirements to make a basic system.

I am using Delphi-5 and IBOComponents. How do I decide what components I need to make a working model?

I have seen an example that used a Connection, a Dataset and a Query.

I have also seen a Connection, a Transaction, a Query and a Source.

I guess the Source is used for the Data-Aware stuff.

So how do I make the decision on what is needed?

Also why are there sometimes several (many?) TQueries? Couldn't I just have one TQuery and then have a bunch of TStrings with the set Queries in them and just Assign that to the single Query?

Thanks in advance for any help.
