Subject Firebird 2.1.x performance magic
Author Macma

I have faced very strange situation with Firebird 2.1.3 performance.

I'm using FireBird 2.1.3 (x64) with default configuration on Windows
2008 R2 Foundation PL (x64).

My 32 bit application connecting to firebird via TCP connection
(localhost) using 32-bit fbclient.dll (C++Builder 2007 with UIB
It store about 700 record on every 30 seconds in some database. Which
consume about 5-8 seconds witch is very long considerate FB 1.5 on
windows server 2003 R2 and similar hardware where it's took below 1s.
From time to time every thing speeds up to "normal" where average write
time were +/- 0,3s.

I try to investigate this performance issue because I use (x64)
architecture for the first time.
I have found things witch I can't explain reasonable.

When I run only my application I had performance issue, it takes about
5-8s to write 700 records and the average disk queue length come up to
100 for that time. So i think this could be some storage issue.

But here comes the funny part, I only run Database Workbench 4 (I don't
made any connection from it only accept trial dialog) and every thing
speed up to normal, where write time was less than 0,5 s and average
disk queue length come below 50.

I also found that the same performance boost I get when I run firefox
with any flash application (at lest some flash banners on site) :).

Is there anyone who have similar performance issue or have Idea what
connecting this things.
I still don't believe what I see. I have check on two hardware
configuration and it's reproducible every time.

Any help appreciated.
