Subject Firebird 1.5 Superserver increases iSCSI data transfer
Author oldbear64
Running Firebird 1.5 in Superserver mode on Windows Server 2003 using Microsoft iSCSI Initiator.

The application is video storage. 32 Mbps of video data are received by the server from 32 CCTV cameras. The data is buffered by the application into 32 BLOB fields in 32 Firebird database tables. Each BLOB is limited to ~3 MB in size, and when full, each record is written to the database. Each database holds data for one of the 32 cameras only. When the database is ~1 GB in size it is closed and a new one is started.

The database files are stored remotely on a small network storage device (QNAP TS-439 II TurboNAS) connected using Microsoft iSCSI Initiator. Only iSCSI traffic uses the port, LAN connections run on a seperate port.

Using Wireshark we have monitored the network traffic on the ethernet connection to the storage device. In Superserver mode we see nearly 60 Mbps of data transferred to the network storage device. Switching Firebird to classic mode, data transfer drops to 32 Mbps.

We suspect that Firebird is writing temporary tables when running in Superserver mode. Can anyone confirm if this is what is happening and advise if we can redirect this temporary data to a local drive using the conf file.
Regards. Oldbear