Subject Re: [firebird-support] Backup Restore problem
Author Milan Tomeš - Position

you're still not giving us the error message or at least error code.
What you're expecting from us then?


Dne 22.04.2010 8:46, mauleen2001 napsal(a):
> Hi,
> I am having Firebird V2.1, Visual Studio 2005( and Firebird
> Client V2.1.
> I am taking backup through Firebird client object and it works fine.
> When i tried to restore my backup it fail and gives me error.
> My backup and restore functions are as below:
> My database name is DVSB.FDB and its size is more than 1 GB
> Private Sub BackUpDB()
> Dim fbBackup As New FbBackup
> fbBackup.Verbose = True
> fbBackup.Options = FbBackupFlags.IgnoreLimbo
> fbBackup.BackupFiles.Add(New FbBackupFile(strBackupSubDirectory &
> "\DVSB.gbk", 4096))
> fbBackup.Execute()
> End Sub
> Private Sub RestoreDB()
> Try
> Dim fbRestore As New FbRestore
> fbRestore.Options = FbRestoreFlags.Create + FbRestoreFlags.Replace
> fbRestore.PageSize = 8192
> fbRestore.BackupFiles.Add(New FbBackupFile(Path.GetTempPath &
> "\DVSB.gbk", 4096))
> End If
> fbRestore.Verbose = True
> fbRestore.ConnectionString = connectionString
> fbRestore.Execute()
> End Sub
> My Error:
> FirebirdSql.Data.Common.IscException: Exception of type
> 'FirebirdSql.Data.Common.IscException' was thrown.
> at FirebirdSql.Data.Client.Gds.GdsConnection.ReadStatusVector()
> at FirebirdSql.Data.Client.Gds.GdsConnection.ReadResponse()
> at
> FirebirdSql.Data.Client.Gds.GdsServiceManager.Query(ServiceParameterBuffer
> spb, Int32 requestLength, Byte[] requestBuffer, Int32 bufferLength,
> Byte[] buffer)
> at FirebirdSql.Data.Services.FbService.QueryService(Byte[] items)
> at FirebirdSql.Data.Services.FbService.GetNextLine()
> at FirebirdSql.Data.Services.FbService.ProcessServiceOutput()
> at FirebirdSql.Data.Services.FbRestore.Execute()
> Can anybody tell me what I am doing wrong?
> Thanks,
> Mauleen

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