Subject Re: [firebird-support] Sweep in progress?
Author Kjell Rilbe
Ann W. Harrison skriver:
> First, a sophisticated user will have already turned off automatic
> sweep and schedule sweeps for a low-usage time. So you should know
> whether you're sweeping or not.

Yes, I realize that. Thank you for pushing me to get it done. :-) It
*is* a system still in development, so we've spent most of the time
writing code to get all required features in there, and less on getting
the speed up. We'll soon shift focus a bit.

At the current stage, all that's really going on is a batch import, i.e.
one transaction at a time. Should "never" trigger a sweep, in other words.

> The crude way is to run a gstat -a -r when
> things are going badly (which will take a long long time) and look for
> the number of old record versions. Lots of old record versions => lots
> of garbage collection. Few old records => little garbage collection.
> A less crude way is to build a debugging version of Firebird and break
> into the process when its slow and see what it's doing. That will tell
> you and the developers a lot more than just looking for old versions.

Thank you!

Kjell Rilbe
E-post: kjell@...
Telefon: 08-761 06 55
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