Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: fb_smp_server hangs
Author Philippe Makowski
2010/10/19 greg_runnels <greg_runnels@...>
> Update: While fb_smp_server is "hanging", I can connect to it remotely. Everything seems to be working fine, except that it is not running in the background. I must be launching it wrong. What is the correct way? And how do I launch it using fbguard?
What are you doing ?
did you read the doc ?

from the tar.gz pakage :
tar xvf FirebirdCS-
cd FirebirdCS-...

Classic is setup
you can try using isql
//opt/firebird/isql localhost:employee -user SYSDBA -password ...

you can switch to SuperClassic

as root :

choose thread

after you can check the firebird service

as root
service firebird status
or /etc/init.d/firebird status

eventually you can start/stop/restart it

/etc/init.d/firebird restart
for example